Legal services

Entrepreneurial and Foreign Migration

We advise and accompany natural or legal persons in their formalities and procedures of investing and migration status in Spain and the European Union, so to ensure that they comply with all the legal and administrative requisites for their matters and businesses.

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Multinational investments and businesses

We legally advise in public works and services contracts with foreign corporations in Latin American countries vis-a-vis the Public Sector; and international goods and services sales contracts.

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International Arbitration

We have broad experience in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, ADR´s, in the various world forums and procedures as ICC, IACAC and UNCITRAL.

We advise and accompany our clients in all the discussion and drafting of contracts submitted to Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods. We act as counsel of our clients in the mediation and arbitration procedures, intervening in all of their steps. Likewise, we participate as arbitrators in the processes in which we are so designated.

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